Barbados Gospelfest

Barbados Gospelfest

Barbados Gospelfest is the annual festival produced by Gospelfest (Barbados) Inc. and envisaged to be the premier international Christian music and arts festival in the Caribbean.

Barbados Gospelfest was established in 1993 by what was then known as the Barbados Tourist Board. The festival was the brainchild of the then Minister of Tourism Wes Hall, now Rev. Sir Wes Hall, and the first event was a joint production between the Barbados Tourist Board and Mr. Alvin Jones of the USA. The parties brought Dr. Bobby Jones of Bobby Jones Gospel on board and this arrangement gave the festival and Barbados exposure to the international Gospel community through its airing on Dr. Jones’ television programme on Black Entertainment Television (BET).

Visit Barbados Gospelfest for more information.