Permanent Marriage Officer's Licence

Application for a Permanent Marriage Officer's Licence

Please be advised that the granting of the Marriage Officer's licence is not automatic upon the submission of the applicant's documents.  It is also important to note that the ordained Minister of Religion must be resident in Barbados and be operating as a Minister/Imam at a registered church/mosque (for muslims) in Barbados. 


Following the submission of the application to this office, the applicant would be advised of his/her interview date, in due course. In certain cases, the Chairman reserves the right on behalf of the Committee to grant approval without the applicant appearing before the Committee.


The meeting of the Marriage Officers Committee is mainly contingent on the amount of applicants for Marriage Officers Licences.  The MOC usually interviews between ten and fifteen applicants, therefore there is no specified date (for example, February 9 or October 5) for the convening of these meetings.  


To apply for a Marriage Officer's licence, the new Form A application must be collected from our Registration Department, completed, and submitted to this Ministry (see relevant addresses below) along with:-


1.      The original Ordination Document.


2.      The original Registration Document of the Church.


3.  A letter from the church or religious organization, endorsing the request. The Head/Superintendent of the church/organization, Chairman of the Board of Trustees or of a major Standing Committee, or the Secretary of the Church Board are all authorized to sign on behalf of the Church.  If the applicant was ordained under another organization, the letter of endorsement should indicate that the present church recognises that ordination; and


4.     Two passport size pictures


       The membership of the church or organization should be 50 or more.  There must also be proof that the place of worship is available to him/her for at least one year.


The applicant's national identification card should also be included on the Form A application or presented at this office for copying.


On the Form A application, the applicant must sign only in the area designated for his/her signature, while the Bishop, Superintendent, or Head of denomination must sign on the dotted area provided for him/her.  If the Applicant is the Bishop, Superintendent or Head, the form can be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees or of a major Standing Committee or the Secretary of the Church.


It is essential that the applicant for an appointment as a Marriage Officer, has a sound knowledge of the Marriage Act, Cap. 218A of the Laws of Barbados.




Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Home Affairs and Information

Jones Building

Websters Business Park


St. Michael BB14006


West Indies

PBX Telephone No. (246) 535-7260

Fax No: (246) 437-3794




The Registrar

Registration Department

Supreme Court Complex

Whitepark Road                        

St. Michael

Barbados, West Indies

Telephone No: (246) 535-9700

Fax No:  
