A person is qualified to be registered if they are a citizen of Barbados or a citizen of another country who has been granted permission by the Chief Immigration Officer to remain in Barbados for a period of not less than six months. Upon completion of registration, the applicant is issued a Barbados Identification (ID) card.
When applying for your National Registration Number you must produce original documents or certified copies. For certified copies, the person signing the documents must write his/her name and position in block letters. Official stamps may also be used to authenticate documents.
When taking your photograph for your identification card you should not wear:
* A hat, cap, shawl, scarf or another form of covering for the head or
* Tinted spectacles or any other form of tinted eyeglasses
There is a fee of $60.00 for replacing Identification Cards which are lost, defaced or destroyed.
For further information contact/visit the Electoral and Boundaries Commission at: