Register a Marriage

Get A Marriage License

Registration for a Marriage Certificate

To register the Marriages you must visit the Registration Department, Coleridge Street, Bridgetown.  It is the responsibility of the Marriage Officer or the Magistrate who performs the marriage to register that marriage.

Registration for a Marriage Certificate is free of cost.
A fee of $10.00 (per copy) is charged to (Nationals) for the certificate
A fee of $20.00 (per copy) is charged to (Non-Nationals) for the certificate.

Document to be produced:

1.) Fully completed duplicate original Marriage record - Marriage Card.

What information must be included in the Marriage Record?

Place of marriage
Date of marriage
Name and Surname of the husband
Name and Surname of the wife
Age of the husband
Age of the wife
Marital status of husband and wife
Addresses of husband and wife - present addresses (foreign addresses are not allowed)
Occupation of husband
Occupation of wife
Name and occupation of husband's father
Name and occupation of wife's father
Signatures of husband and wife
Signatures of witnesses
Signature of Marriage Officer or Magistrate

For further information contact/visit the Registration Department at:

Supreme Court Complex
White Park Road
St. Michael

(Tel.) 1 (246) 535-9700