Register a Death

Registering for a Death Certificate

Applications for death certificates are made at the Registration Department, New Supreme Court Complex White Park Road, St. Michael.

Applications are processed for a fee of BDS$5.00. Completed application forms may also be mailed to the Registration Department and should be accompanied by a Money Order in the amount of BDS$5.00 and should be made out to the Registrar of the Supreme Court. Persons opting for this method of application should also enclose a self-addressed envelope with sufficient return postage.

*Registration for a Death Certificate is free of cost.*
*A fee of $5.00 (per copy) is charged for the certificate.*
*A fee of $10.00 (per copy) is charged for the "Cause of Death" certificate*

Applications must be completed in full and should be mailed to: 

The Registrar of the Supreme Court
Registration Department
New Supreme Court Complex
White Park Road
St. Michael

For further information contact the Registration Department at:

(Tel.) 1 (246) 535-9700